Para ir abriendo boca, un pequeñito avance de lo que tengo entre manos. La colección Otoño-Invierno 2012/13. Una colección modesta, pequeña, dos o tres diseños, no más, que las cosas hay que empezarlas con calma, despacio, para que todo salga bien.
Aún queda mucho otoño, así que espero enseñar las primeras piezas terminadas antes de que se hayan caído todas las hojas de los árboles. Y el invierno es muuuuy largo.
I am late, I know. All materials are already selected, colors and prints, even the design is ready. However I have not even started with the patterns. So, as I told you, I am already late. I did not manage yet to go into the flow of season collections. I am working at my own pace, creating new things on demand or according to the time available. But I promised myself to reach that point anytime soon and I am sure I will. For the moment I have already started with the process, even though a bit delayed, but it is better late than never, isn´t it?
To give you some hints, here it is a sneak peek of what's on my table right now. The Autumn-Winter 2012/13 collection. A very small one, just two or three designs, no more, starting slowly, so that everything goes fine.
Autumn has just started so I aim to show you the first pieces before the trees loose all their leaves. Furthermore the winter is soooo long.