Pero esta vez sí, ha nevado de verdad, de verdad de la buena. Porque tenemos nieve para dar y tomar. Tanto que hoy casi no podemos entrar con el coche al llegar a casa. Me ha tocado coger la pala y apartar la nieve para evitar que las ruedas patinasen. Esa es la parte mala, tener que salir de casa con este tiempo. La parte buena, pasar la tarde disfrutando de la nieve. Una batalla de bolas de nieve, un dibujo aquí y allá y, por supuesto, un muñeco de nieve.... o dos.
Los niños han sido los encargados de los muñecos, y les han puesto nombre. Son el Señor Blanco y el Señor Blanco Junior. Idea suya. Me hace gracia eso de "Junior" :)
We've been waiting for it for a long time and it finally arrived. We already had some snow a few times this winter. However, it was not enough to even have a small snowball.
This time it's been a heavy snowfall. Now we have quite a few centimeters of snow. So much that we had some problems to arrive at home today. I had to shovel the snow away from the entrance because it was to slippery for the car. So, that's the bad part. The nice one is to enjoy the afternoon playing outside with the snow. Throwing snowballs, drawing in the snow here and there and, of course, a snowman... or two.
The kids were in charge of the snowmen. They named them as Mr. White and Mr. White Jr. Their very own idea. I like the "Jr." for the little one :)