El caso es que ya nadie se acordaba del trébol cuando ayer, de repente, apareció. Así, por arte de magia. Mira que lo buscamos en su día y nada, no dimos con él. Es un trébol caprichoso por lo que parece.
Yo no sé si será verdad eso de que traen buena suerte, pero éste seguro que sí, que algún significado tiene que tener, no creéis? Ahora a guardarlo bien para que no vuelva a extraviarse.
More than a year ago my daughter found this four leaves clover. We let it dry inside a book, we laminated it and... the day after it got lost. My daughter was, obviously, very sad, as you do not find such clovers so easily and she was very excited about it.
The fact is that we had completely forgot it when, yesterday, it suddenly appeared. Last year we were looking for it like crazy and did not manage to find it. It seems to be a very special clover.
I am not sure if they are lucky or not, but this one it is, for sure. It must mean something, don't you think so? Now it is safely stored so it does not get lost once again.

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