De este modelo ya he hecho unos cuantos, en diferentes estampados. En rayas de colores neutros, un estampado que me encanta.
A few weeks ago I was asking you about your preferences when it comes to bags, if you preferred big or small ones. Well, this one I am showing today it is neither big nor small. It is a medium size bag, however having a great capacity, which allows to carry everything you need. And, due to the fact that it is not that big it is still very light and comfortable to wear. Those, at least, are comments coming from very nice customers who sent me their opinions. Thanks so much for that!!
I have made quite a few already, in different prints. There is a tote bag in stripes, a very nice pattern in neutral colors, which I love.
Por otro lado, podéis encontrar otro en un estampado de hojas en blanco sobre fondo negro, muy, muy elegante.
You can also find another one with a leaves pattern, in black and white, so elegant.
Y los últimos que hice hace poco, que combinan loneta y una franja en tela japonesa.
And the last ones I made not so long time ago, combining cotton canvas and japanese prints.